Friday, August 5, 2011


Ok, it's time for the giveaway for the fan page!  This should have been posted at 9 am when I woke up, but things got a bit hectic this morning seeing as one of my ferrets thought it would be cool to get himself stuck in the loveseat LOL.  Ok, here are the rules.  The giveaway will be open until 5 pm MDT (the next 5 hours).  Everyone that comments in that time will be given a number (based on their order in the comments) and I will have choose the winner.  Please make sure when you comment that you allow for me to email you so that I can contact the winner.  I will also post a blog with the winner as well.  Please include your name in your comment.  The winner will get to choose any item priced at $25 or less from the Ready to Ship or Sale albums on the fan page.  Once I have contacted the winner and got their shipping information I will mail out the prize.  I will give the winner 24 hours to claim their prize and then I will choose another winner if they have not contacted me.  So here we go! Comment away people.

One entry per person please!